Dating Kinky
The Craigslist Conundrum (Alt Title: Why you gotta ruin it for EVERYONE? 😭😭😭 )
September 13, 2021
This is my tale of how CL's hands-off approach to "community-moderated dating/hookup content" went so horribly wrong.
This is my tale of how CL's hands-off approach to "community-moderated dating/hookup content" went so horribly wrong. And how I've seen the same thing happen on other sites, but never quite so definitively as at craigslist. 

I'd like to make clear that this post is going to be about specific experiences with men on craigslist and other sites. For the record, I am NOT knocking all men. Just the men who behave like the ones I'm going to write aboutβ€”the ones who ruin things for everyone. 

AND, this post is a bit long. Sorry for that. *smiles* 

So, for those of you who never had the wild ride of posting on craigslist as a woman, especially in the "casual encounters" section, let me tell you a bit about it. 

I would write up an ad, post it to my location (or whatever location I might be heading to), throw in a couple of images, and voila. I would soon be flooded with messages from hopefuls (usually men, since that's usually what I was posting for, but not always). 

And by flooded, I literally mean upwards of 80-100 messages an hour for the first few hours, then tapering off, so that in a full 24 hour period, I might get ~500 replies. 

To a single post. 

And sometimes (fairly often), I'd even get messages about how AMAZING my ads were. Some people wrote just because they wanted to let me know that, even though they didn't fit my criteria. This is not about those men. Or even the men who read the ads and never replied because they didn't match what I was looking for, or didn't want what I was offering. This is also not about the men who did match what I was looking for and wrote and took the inevitable "no" gracefully. 

I met some AMAZING people on craigslist, and had some mind-blowing encounters. YAY me!

This is obviously not about those men, either. 

Read the rest of the blog here: The Craigslist Conundrum (Alt Title: Why you gotta ruin it for EVERYONE? 😭😭😭 ) - Dating Kinky